Service for Solving Linear Programming Problems

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Example №1. Solving of a 2x2 System of Linear Equations by the Cramer's Rule

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It is necessary to solve the system of linear equations using Cramer's rule.
Знак системы3x1-x2 = -14
x1 +x2 = 2
Let's write the Cramer's rule:
x1 = det A1 / det A
x2 = det A2 / det A
It is impossible to divide by zero. Therefore, if the determinant of A is zero, then it is impossible to use Cramer's rule.
Let's calculate the determinant A.   more info
The determinant A consists of the coefficients of the left side of the system.
Знак системы3x1-x2 = -14
x1 +x2 = 2
det A = 3 -1
1 1
= 3 * 1 - ( -1) * 1 = 3 + 1 = 4
The determinant A is not zero. It is possible to use the Cramer's rule.
Let's calculate the determinant A1.   more info
It is necessary to change column 1 in determinant A to the column of the right side of the system.
System det A det A1
Знак системы3x1-x2 = -14
x1 +x2 = 2
3 -1
1 1
-14 -1
2 1
det A1 = -14 -1
2 1
= -14 * 1 - ( -1) * 2 = -14 + 2 = -12
Let's calculate the determinant A2.   more info
It is necessary to change column 2 in determinant A to the column of the right side of the system.
System det A det A2
Знак системы3x1-x2 = -14
x1 +x2 = 2
3 -1
1 1
3 -14
1 2
det A2 = 3 -14
1 2
= 3 * 2 - ( -14) * 1 = 6 + 14 = 20
x1 = det A1 / det A = -12/4 = -3
x2 = det A2 / det A = 20/4 = 5

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